Snowball Fight

Like I shared earlier, I am attempting to do “winter activities” in sunny California.  Last week, we had a Sight Word snowball fight. 

I started by writing each sight word in the middle of a blank white piece of paper.

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Then I crumbled up all of the pieces of paper into “snowballs”

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I separated the class into two teams.  They stood on opposite sides of the room holding a snowball.  On the count of three, they fired the snowball to the other side of the room.  After they threw their snowball, they had to find a new snowball that was thrown at them from the other team.

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Once they found their new snowball, they had to open the paper and read the sight word inside.  If they could read the word then they got a point for their team.  

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We then we crumbled the paper back up and had another snowball round.  I can not begin to explain how much they loved this.  After a couple of rounds we counted up the tally mark points and declared a winner.  I would definitely recommend doing this game right before they go out to recess so they can go straight outside and get all of their excitement out on the playground.  This would also be a great reward for a full marble jar or something like that.  

During center time, I had the students write about our snowball fight.

I would totally do this again in the class…oh, and I made sure to mention that throwing paper in the classroom was only appropriate during our snowball fight.  🙂

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