We have been discussing different types of weather this month. Today, we talked about cloudy days. We made a list of what clouds look like and what they do. I showed them some pictures of clouds as well. Then I read them Eric Carle’s, Little Cloud. In the book, there is a little cloud, and it keeps turing into different shapes…like a shark, clown, etc.
After I finished reading, the students were allowed to use their creativity and paint their own cloud. They used white paint on blue construction paper. As they finished, I would write on their paper what their cloud shape was.
Angry Birds 🙂
butterfly and heart
cat and fish
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free Letter tracing activity A-Z upper and lower case
Practice letter formation with these independent, engaging, and zero-prep. printables! Use them for whole group, homework, small group, or for students that need extra practice with writing their letters.
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