Teachers Getting Fit!

Summer is HERE!!!!!!!!  This means I can actually have a structured workout plan that isn’t competing with grading, lesson planning, searching the Dollar Bin at Target, or spending my free time looking for Common Core activities on Pinterest (can I get an AMEN?!)  I have decided to make healthy transitions in my life in both food and exercise choices.  Following this blog post, on the first of each month,  I want to share ways I have been working out and some recipe ideas!
My wedding is seriously right around the corner.  One of my besties found this amazing workout program, and after a month of talking it up, I finally decided to give it a try.  Kaia Fit has seriously changed my body and attitude towards working out!
I have been doing Kaia for about 10 weeks and I feel more energetic, I care about what I am eating, I feel more toned, and I am STRONGER.  Here is a pic with me and two of the Kaia Koaches (they do a play on the “k” for a lot of their phrasing) from this morning.  Can I brag and say I beat all of my times for our fitness test?!?!

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I hate running.  I grew up playing basketball and the most fit I have ever been was when I was playing in college.  I swear the second I had to workout on my own, I went straight to the elliptical and was barely pushing it.  Kaia is a full body workout that involves minimal running.  Kaia focuses on cardio, endurance, strength, flexibility, speed, balance, and rest.  The main thing it has done for me is toned my body and increased my strength.  
Kaia is a workout for women only and the classes have about 15-20 ladies in it, and are led by a Koach.  It can be intimidating workout, especially with all women, but it is seriously the most welcoming and encouraging environment.  Emma is one of the coaches at the gym…such a stud! 
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The workouts are 4 times a week and there are 5 different klasses, all with the same workout, so you come to whichever you can.  Three of the days are circuit training, and one day is yoga.  My favorite part of the workouts is that each day is different, so you don’t know what to expect.  This keeps your muscles and mind guessing of what you will be focusing on each session.  We workout for 45 minutes with a warmup and cool down.

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This Saturday is a Share the Love workout.  This means its FREE and guys and girls are welcome.  We just finished our 6 week Brik Training so we are having a fun workout starting at 8:30am and everyone is invited.  If you are in the Orange County area, you should come!  Next Monday starts a new month long session, with a new 9am class, you can see the schedule HERE.
As for a snack tip:  I found this on Pinterest today!  The idea is to prep your smoothies on the weekend, so you can easily blend them up each morning!  I love this idea, because I dread getting out all of the ingredients, but this has it all in one place!
Hope you have a fit rest of the week! 😉

free Letter tracing activity A-Z upper and lower case

Practice letter formation with these independent, engaging, and zero-prep. printables! Use them for whole group, homework, small group, or for students that need extra practice with writing their letters.

Center Bundle

Daily Economics Passages

craft bundle

June and July Reading Comprehension Task Cards

Kindergarten Assessments

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6 responses to “Teachers Getting Fit!”

  1. Katie Avatar

    seems like a great workout! I've never heard of it before 🙂 I'm also trying to get more scheduled with my workouts. During the school year I'm all over the place, so it's time to fix it!

  2. Dana Brunner Avatar
    Dana Brunner

    Great idea for the smoothies!

  3. Unknown Avatar

    I need to get fit! (does it involve napping???) lol Just kidding! You look great!
    First Grade Blue SKies

  4. Unknown Avatar

    Wow! I love that yoga pose! Haha. I can't seem to work properly if I haven't exercised in the mornings haha 🙂

  5. Fluttering Through First Grade Avatar
    Fluttering Through First Grade

    The desire is there, just lacking the motivation!!! Love the smoothie pack ideas though 🙂
    ~Christy & Tammy

  6. Unknown Avatar

    Michelle – you get stronger every time I see you. So glad you're part of our SoCal family. <3